[horde] WG: Re: lower/uppercase problems

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Apr 6 07:52:32 PDT 2006

----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von fabio.pedretti at ing.unibs.it -----
      Datum: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 16:27:48 +0200
        Von: Fabio Pedretti <fabio.pedretti at ing.unibs.it>
    Betreff: Re: [horde] lower/uppercase problems
         An: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Fabio Pedretti <fabio.pedretti at ing.unibs.it>:
>> Hi,
>> thanks, I fixed the problem using the hook.
>> However seems that if I don't use this hook, horde is not enterely
>> case-insensitive: turba works (I can see my contact) with either    
>> lower, upper
>> or mixed case, while with kronolith I have some problem:
>>>> Instead, I can create New Event in the calendar only if I am    
>>>> logged in with
>>>> the lower-case, otherwise I get an error that I don't have enough
>>>> permission to create the event. If I create the event, with the lower-case
>>>> login, when I log in with upper-case I can see the event in the calendar
>>>> view, but I can't view, edit or delete the event.
>> Is it a horde bug?
> No, you probably have a case insensitive turba backend, like ldap.

I have the same problem with the MySQL backend, for the personal
Address Book. Also I have problem with kronolith: if not logged with
lowercase, I can see events in the calendar, but I can't
view/edit/delete them (also using MySQL backend).


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From: Fabio Pedretti <fabio.pedretti at ing.unibs.it>
Subject: Re: [horde] lower/uppercase problems
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 16:27:48 +0200
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