[horde] Constraint Violation in horde_prefs

Duane Drake horde at littleduck.org
Thu Apr 13 07:44:20 PDT 2006

I have been running Horde now for about 5 years and after recently  
upgrading via patch to
Horde 3.1, I have noticed the following issue, mostly around the portal page:

Upon login, and with every refresh of the portal, the following error  
in entered in

Apr 13 10:25:47 HORDE [emergency] [horde] DB Error: constraint  
violation: INSERT INTO
horde_prefs (pref_uid, pref_scope, pref_name, pref_value)  
VALUES('dfreeman', 'kronolith',
'display_cals', 'a:1:{i:0;s:8:\"dfreeman\";}') [nativecode=1062 **  
Duplicate entry
'dfreeman-krono-display_ca' for key 1] [on line 258 of

The portal is usable, but I cannot change the layout for any user  
because of this error.
The layout changes seem to stick in the layout configurator, but are  
not applied when I
return to the portal page.

I am not using the databse session handler, so I did not apply that  
table change in the
upgrading document.

I have versions:

Horde 3.1.1
IMP 4.1.1
Kronolith 2.1.1
Jonah 0.1 CVS
PHP 4.4.2
Mysql 4.1.14

In Mysql, I rebuilt the indexes in horde_prefs, and removed all entries for
pref_scope=kronolith for my own username and I still get the error.

I have approximately 30 users for a small mortgage company and some friends.


Duane Drake

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