[horde] Problems with install/config

matzematiker@gmx.de matzematiker at gmx.de
Thu Jun 8 08:28:09 PDT 2006


I'm trying to install horde, and encounter some problems. The story so far:
I got horde-3.1.1.tar.gz, and followed the install instructions. When
accessing horde/test.php, I get some lines with:
Notice*: Undefined index: fileroot in */srv/www/htdocs/horde/test.php*
on line *79*

but every point is green. The odd thing i noticed was it also says: 
Horde: 2.2.5, but I was downloading 3.1.1 is that okay?
These notices on test.php only occur since changing permissions (755)
for the config directory, but before that I got the message that config
files were missing when accessing horde. But now there is an error:
Fatal error*: Call to undefined function: get() in
*/srv/www/htdocs/horde/config/prefs.php* on line *111

*when accessing horde. I've been to IRC yestarday, and was told to try
getValue() instead of get(), but that didn't do it.

I hope anyone can help me, thanks


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