[horde] Upgrade script go BOOM! (Debian)

Brett Charbeneau brett at wrl.org
Tue Jun 27 07:52:31 PDT 2006



 	Any help or pointers would greatly appreciated!
 	I've been running Horde for 3 years now, but I'm afraid my ignorance of 
MySql is causing me some problems in an upgrade.
 	I've scoured this list's archives and gone through the UPGRADING file, 
but I'm still scratching my head.

 	I am trying to upgrade from

Horde: 2.2.3	(runing on RedHat 9.0)
IMP: 3.2.2
Turba: 1.2
PHP Version: 4.2.2


Horde: 3.0.4	(running on Debian 3.1)
IMP: 4.0.2
Turba: 2.0.2

 	and am having some trouble with the 2.2_to_3.0.mysql.sql script that 
came with Horde.
 	I went ahead and got Horde and IMP running on a fresh Debian install 
(from Debian .deb packages), stopped MySql, copied my old databases over to the 
new machine, started MySql again, and fired up the script.
 	I'm running the script in the directory where my MySql database files 
live, in my case /var/lib/mysql/horde2 like this:

mysql --user=root --password=<MySQL-root-password> /
horde < /full/path/to/2.2_to_3.0.mysql.sql

 	and I get this error:

ERROR 1146 at line 9: Table 'horde.horde_prefs' doesn't exist

 	What am I doing wrong?

Brett Charbeneau
Network Administrator
Williamsburg Regional Library
7770 Croaker Road
Williamsburg, VA 23188-7064
(757)259-4044          www.wrl.org
(757)259-4079 (fax)    brett at wrl.org

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