[horde] ingo not saving filters and left menu not refreshing

Ben Klang ben at alkaloid.net
Tue Jul 4 12:36:37 PDT 2006

Hi Alan,

I can't answer your question about Ingo, but...

On Jul 4, 2006, at 3:19 PM, Alan Hartless wrote:
> Also the left menu is not refreshing.  For example, it says I have  
> 3 emails.
> I open two of them but it still says that I have 3 emails.  How do  
> I get it
> to refresh?
The left menu refreshes on an interval.  I don't recall what it is  
off the top of my head but simply opening the mails does not trigger  
a refresh.  Wait a few minutes and it should refresh (and the new  
mail count should adjust accordingly).

> Thanks!
> Alan

Ben Klang
Alkaloid Networks
bklang at alkaloid.net

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