[horde] configurating more than one domain

xare xaresd at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 01:24:08 PDT 2006


Quoting, eculp at encontacto.net

> > I provide service to more than one user and more than one domain.
> OK,  Most here probably do the same.
> > How can I do to direct userA from domainA and userB from domainB to
> their
> > inboxes?
> Here I begin to get confused.  I assume that you mean to read mail.  If
> so that would probably be your imap or pop3 configuration, wouldn't it.
>   Imp would be a client, no?

Yes but until now  my clients have to type in the IP number of the machine
to access their mail http://ip_number/horde/imp

There I offer them the chance to select their domain with a scrolling menu
in the loging screen.

> I plan to open both subdomains mail.domainA.tld and mail.domainB.tld and
> > userA should go to the first and userB should go to the second one, and
> then
> > login.
> I assume that you are talking about web pages?  If so that is an apache
> configuration and your choosing a method for logging into horde or one
> of the applications to be able to access the information.

OK this is what I wrote in apache

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName mail.domain.tld
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/horde
ErrorLog /home/domain/logs/mailerror_log
CustomLog /home/domain/logs/mailaccess_log common
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/domain/cgi-bin/
<Directory /var/www/html/horde>
Options Indexes IncludesNOEXEC FollowSymLinks
allow from all

When I type http://mail.domain.tld I get the desired loging screen at
http://mail.domain.tld/horde/imp but I fail to suceed login. I write in my
login name and password and get the login form empty back, not even a "login
failed" message.

When I do the same using the IP number instead of mail.domain.tld everything
works fine.

> > 1. I have created mail.domainA.tld pointing to /var/www/html/horde/imp
> in my
> > system but the loging screen at least would not take the stylesheet
> > correctly.
> > 2. Then I pointed in apache to /var/www/html/horde. The result is a very
> > long time to wait and resulting in a blank screen.
> Have you looked at horde/test.php through your browser and also all the
> test.php's of your active horde applications?  If so, are there any
> errors?
They both seem to work fine.

Have you read the doccumentation on the horde.org website including the
> wiki?


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