[horde] Bulk user import

matzematiker@gmx.de matzematiker at gmx.de
Fri Aug 4 06:43:53 PDT 2006

Thanks for your answers. I wasn't sure about authentication against ldap 
really creating the userdate needed. So I'll give that a try..

Bye, Mathias

eculp at encontacto.net wrote:
> Quoting Bill Graham <grahamcw at hurleybulldogs.com>:
>> Maybe I am missing something.
>> Why don't you authorize against LDAP directly ?
>> Bill
>> Quoting matzematiker at gmx.de:
>>> Hi.
>>> Is there a way to do a bulk user import into horde?? Or is it even  
>>> possible to create users from LDAP?? Are there any tools to do such  
>>> things?? Or should I do it whith a script that creates the users in  
>>> the database?? Has anyone experience with such things??
> Mathias, I agree with Bill in that ldap works wonderfully with horde 
> basically out of the box, in my experience.  If the script that you 
> refer to is meant to be php and use the horde framework, there have 
> been quite a few changes in the head version to vilma that can 
> possibly do what you have in mind.  Maybe someone who is using them 
> could give a little more information on the new features.
> There is also a summer of code project that is to be an interface to 
> your ldap database, IIRC and there is even a new project that seems 
> focused on dns management.  I'm not familiar with either yet but they 
> sure sound great and could all fit together into an awesome and simple 
> email ldap admin package.
> enjoy,
> ed

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