[horde] How do I increase the speed of horde

Marco Pirovano marco.pirovano at unibocconi.it
Mon Aug 7 00:29:03 PDT 2006

Citando dick hoogendijk <dick at nagual.nl>:

> On 05 Aug Kevin Konowalec wrote:
>> Are you using a PHP accelerator?  That'll make the most significant
>> difference.  An IMAP proxy also helps.
>> On Aug 5, 2006, at 11:46 PM, Helen Biernacki wrote:
>> >Each request I make seems to take a long time to load.  Is there a
>> >way of speeding horde up?
> What is the best opensource PHP accelerator (for FreeBSD)?
> Or are the all closed source?

I'm using eAccelerator with FreeBSD 6.1.


* Marco Pirovano
* Universita' Bocconi, Area Sistemi Informatici e Telematici
* Piazza Sraffa 11 - 20136 Milano
* Tel. +39 02 5836.3173  Fax. +39 02 5836.3160  VoIP. 02 5828.3173

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