[horde] "Other Users" and "Shared Folders"

Kevin Konowalec kevin at ualberta.net
Thu Aug 10 14:38:39 PDT 2006

We managed to fix things (we hope) by tweaking the Cyrus server to  
just simply return when asked for the namespace (I think... I'm not  
the administrator of that server so that's what was described to  
us).  It worked like a charm, dropping the return time on that  
operation from almost 2 seconds to milliseconds.  Now an inbox with  
almost 35,000 messages displays in 4 seconds versus 15 seconds with  
no ill effects on the mail server.  As for not supporting shared and  
other user folders, the way it was described to me was that we just  
don't give the users that functionality for whatever reason.  I'm not  
sure what they've done - it's all black magic to me  :)

We're going to try and go live again in the morning.  Here's hoping....

On Aug 10, 2006, at 3:30 PM, Jan Schneider wrote:

> Zitat von Kevin Konowalec <kevin at ualberta.net>:
>> Where does imp ask for the IMAP List command for "Other Users"  
>> and  Shared Folders"?  I tried to put the latest greatest horde/ 
>> imp/turba  into production this morning and it beat the snot out  
>> of our IMAP  server.  On tracing the imap session we see it taking  
>> forever to  come back from asking for "Other Users" and "Shared  
>> Folders"...  neither of which we support.  So how can we stop this  
>> from  happening?  We already figured out to add "INBOX." in the  
>> folders  field i nthe server definition but this is so far eluding  
>> me.
> Sounds like you are using Cyrus? This should work fine out of the  
> box. Don't try to set any namespace stuff in servers.php. How do  
> you *not* support shared and public folders?
> Jan.
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