[horde] How do I increase the speed of horde

Christian Hernmarck news-NO.SPAM at lists.hernmarck.ch
Mon Aug 14 11:34:54 PDT 2006

John Chiu schrieb am Sonntag, 6. August 2006 17:56 im Beitrag
<BAY110-DAV6480FC53726A0280B98D1C2560 at phx.gbl>:

> i think you encounter the same thing like i did, i.e., after login
> it takes 3 minutes to get to the main page, aren't you?
> i couldn't stand it anymore, so i switched to horde 3.0.11, which
> was released on the same date as 3.1.2.  my problem is solved.
> no clue about ways separated into 2 versions, but 3.0.11 helpd me
> out.

maybe the ldap connection to example.??? from turba?


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