[horde] Change Database IP Got Something Strange ??

james g9224 at cs.nccu.edu.tw
Wed Aug 23 05:27:19 PDT 2006

Manilal K M 提到:

> On 23/08/06, james <g9224 at cs.nccu.edu.tw> wrote:
>> Some reason I have to change Database IP.
>> If i change database ip and modify $conf['sql']['hostspec'] in
>> horde/config/conf.php.
>> Then I will get some error like :
>> DB Error: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: could not connect to
>> server:
>> Operation timed out  Is the server running on host
>> &quot;xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx&quot;
>> and accepting      TCP/IP connections on port 5432?] ** Array [on 
>> line 388
>> of
>> "/home/www/htdocs/horde/lib/Horde/Prefs/sql.php"]
>> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the old ip.
>> And I saw in kronolith_events, mnemo_memos, nag_tasks, turba_objects
>> tables,
>> there have field name xxxx_uid, database's data will something like
>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx at old-ip
>> I think maybe this reason cause the error. Does anybody know how to 
>> solve
>> it ?
>> Thanks.
>> This is not a Horde Error.
> Probably you are running PostgreSQL without the " -i " option. 
> Remember that
> if you want to connect pgsql from IPs other than  localhost or
> you have to run the  postmaster with  -i option. In
> addition to this
> you may also need to edit pg_hba.conf to get permission for the new IP.
> Read more at:
> Check your PostgreSQL configuration, especially pg_hba.conf.
> regards
> Manilal

I dump pg server1 data to pg server2
It can correctly connect to new database server, but there still have 
some connections to old database.

            It's work.
pg server1  horde  ---------------------------->pg server2
(Old IP)  (Another IP) always have connections (New IP)

1. If i tune off pg server1,horde server will get the error messages i 
mention above.
2. If i tune on pg server1,I can see some "select" SQL in Log file.

So I think there are some php code will get database data, and find 
xxxx_uid field have some data like xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx at host-ip, then goto 
host-ip to take something back.

I don't know why need to log host ip into database ? Or maybe my thought 
is wronge ?


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