[horde] UpGrade to Horde 3.1.2

Christian Hernmarck news-NO.SPAM at lists.hernmarck.ch
Mon Sep 4 05:12:00 PDT 2006

Dominique Leuenberger schrieb am Montag, 4. September 2006 14:05 im
Beitrag <20060904140547.ll1ehz9n1twk8kwg at webmail.leuenberger.net>:

> Quoting Eric Jon Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>:
>> Quoting Dominique Leuenberger <dominique at leuenberger.net>:
>>> after upgrading Horde to v3.1.2, a login to the system is no
>>> longer possible. Only after disabling the newly ceated
>>> Config-Parameter (for session cookies), a login is possible again.
>> So, what's the problem.  Sounds like you solved it already?
> The problem IS: I can NOT activate cookie based session tracking, as
> I can not login afterwards. But still I would like to be able to
> activate the cookie based tracking.

Try to set the Cookie-path to the correct value.
We have horde in /horde which is a symlink to /horde-3.1.3 (on the
The cookie-path is $conf['cookie']['path'] = '/horde'; (default). But
the automatic "$webroot" detection doe not handle symlinks, so we had
a problem (the same as you have - maybe not the same reason)
I solved it by adding a line in registry.php, just after the webroot
 $webroot = '/horde';
ok - i also could replace the whole webroot detection procedure by
this single line...


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