[horde] DIMP Installation

Nick Cole nick at cole2.com
Tue Oct 10 06:27:36 PDT 2006


I am trying to install DIMP, but keep banging into pre-requisites  
which are not listed in the install document.

Yesterday I was running horde 3.1.3 with IMP HEAD and DIMP head, and  
found I needed to be running Horde HEAD as well. I have installed  
this, but now test.php tells me that I need Framework.

I'd love to give DIMP a try  - any chance you could be more specific  
about all the pre-reqs for running DIMP - there are lots of files in  
the snapshot directory which meet the description of "framework":

framework-FRAMEWORK 3

Which one(s) do I need?! I'm not a CVS user, so an answer in snapshot  
terms would be appreciated.

Cheers, Nick.

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