[horde] Getting there but not quite... (was Re: Newbie doing initial horde installation)
spamsink at scoot.netis.com
Sat Nov 4 19:08:31 PST 2006
At 09:35 AM 11/3/2006, Jason Clifton wrote:
<JC>>>>>I would definitely use a different mysql user and password than the
root account.<<<<<
Done. I accessed mysql as the root user and made up a new account with:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'NewHordeUser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass'
(where NewHordeUser and some_pass are the new admin-privileged user and
Then I went to (where is my test
system ... I'm first setting things up on a test system before trying to
install it on the real system), and it let me in without a password (makes
sense because I haven't configured one yet, at least not one that horde
knows about).
<JC>>>>>Under Horde->Database you need to configure that with your mysql
Here are the questions it asked and my answers:
What database backend should we use? MySQL
Request persistent connections? Unchecked (should that be checked?)
Database server/host: localhost
Username to connect to the database as: NewHordeUser (my new privileged
admin user as assigned above)
Password to connect with: some_pass (the password I assigned above)
How should we connect to the database?: UNIX Sockets
Location of UNIX socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock (this was provided me
with the "mysqladmin version" command)
Database name to use: horde (I had previously tried to use test, the
"test" database that is created when MySQL is first configured; couldn't
think of another database to use and didn't feel ready to create a "turba"
database yet)
Internally used charset: ISO-8859-1 (the default)
= = = = = = = =
<JC>>>>>Horde->Authentication needs to be done you probably want sql with
Horde defaults<<<<<
I took all of the defaults that it came up with on initial selection, except:
What backend should we use for authenticating users to Horde?: SQL
authentication (as you suggested)
Driver configuration: Horde defaults
Everything else (user = "Administrator", "should we always store and
validate..." = Checked, all the blank fields left blank) I left alone.
= = = = = = = =
<JC>>>>>Horde -> Preference system sql with horde defaults<<<<<
Questions and answers:
What preferences driver should we use?: SQL Database
Driver configuration: Horde defaults
Size of preferences table, and Name of the preferences table, left blank
(Name apparently defaults to "horde_prefs").
= = = = = = = =
<JC>>>>>Horde-> Datatree sql with horde defaults.<<<<<
Done ... and the "name of the data table" and "name of the data attributes
table" left blank so that they take their defaults of horde_datatree and
horde_datatree_attributes respectively.
<JC>>>>>Horde -> Groups set to Datatree.<<<<<
<JC>>>>>Custom session handler you can set this to mysql and reenter your
connection information, then make sure use row level locking is not checked
or you can set this to PHP file based sessions.<<<<<
Hmmm ... I set this one to "MySQL based sessions". It then defaults to
username "horde" with no password. I changed it to user "NewHordeUser"
password "some_pass" as previously established above.
Then I chickened out and decided to leave it at "PHP file based sessions"
for now. :-)
<JC>>>>>Everything else under horde should be ok for now with defaults.<<<<<
OK, then I hit the "Generate horde configuration" button and all hell broke
loose :-). Actually, it just complained about not being able to save
conf.php.bak or conf.php. So I went to /var/www/html/horde/config and
noted that the directory and the conf.php file are set to be owned by
root. Changed them both to be owned by the apache user and now the
configuration goes through OK.
(Should everything in that directory be owned by the apache user, or just
But... if I now log out and try to log back in again, it won't let me in,
says "Login failed because your username or password was entered
incorrectly". I tried "Administrator" with no password, "Administrator"
with the password I set up above, and "NewHordeUser" (the new admin-level
user I set up above) with the password set up above. None will let me in.
Pretty much at a dead end ... tried restoring the old unconfigured conf.php
and starting over and got just as far with the same results.
Some progress IS being made, though ... thanks to you .. :-)
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