[horde] Moving a turba installation

Jason Clifton jason at citydiesel.net
Thu Nov 9 12:33:02 PST 2006

I'm not sure if that would work or not.  I do know that if mysql is  
running when you try to do that it will not work.  I think I would  
just tarball var/www/html/horde/ directory and do a database dump of  
the mysql database instead.

Quoting Eric <spamsink at scoot.netis.com>:

> I need to install turba and horde on a publicly-visible server, over  
> on the other side of town, that runs Fedora Core 2.
> Prior to doing that, as a training and learning exercise, I  
> installed horde and turba and configured mysql on a VMware virtual  
> machine here in the office, also running Fedora Core 2 (installed  
> off the same CDs as the one across town).
> My question is, can I just make tarballs out of the /var/lib/mysql  
> and /var/www/html/horde directory trees on my test machine and drop  
> them into the same places on the across-town machine and have it  
> "just work"?
> I realize that would be way, WAY too easy and I might also run into  
> problems with different hostnames.
> Might that be an issue and is there an easy way around it (a few  
> text files to edit, stuff like that)?
> Thanks...
> -- 
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Jason Clifton
City Diesel

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