[horde] post configureation db syntax error problems

Michael Potter michael at xonline.org.uk
Fri Nov 10 16:03:27 PST 2006

Thanks very much - I was a little surprised, since I was sure that at 
work, I had entered all the table/column names in the setup of horde 
using the [name] as shown in the default.  However, I entered them all 
without the []'s and also I put the root one level back to the main root 
and this seems to have worked, i.e. I put the root as the path to the 
horde folder rather than the path to inside the horde folder, i.e. path/ 
instead of path/horde.

Thanks again, it is with some relief after a months agonizing.  I was 
thinking to that the square brackets were alright since these are use in 
ms access and sql server queries to be able to use expressions as 
table/column names when these names are like system names.


Jan Schneider wrote:

> Zitat von Michael Potter <michael at xonline.org.uk>:
>> I have been having lots of trouble trying to set up horde at home  
>> whereas at work I got it all working fine.
>> I am using Slackware (11). with its default apache, mysql and php  
>> with extra pear modules installed as directed in the horde INSTALL  
>> docs.
>> After getting a conf.php into place, I end up getting errors in the  
>> log similar to the following:
>> Nov 06 13:56:24 HORDE [emergency] [horde] DB Error: syntax error:  
>> SELECT [user_uid] FROM [horde_users] [nativecode=1064 ** You have an  
>> error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your  
>> MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '[user_uid]  
>> FROM [horde_users]' at line 1] [on line 236 of  "/horde/admin/user.php"]
>> Nov 06 14:02:22 HORDE [error] [horde] Failed retrieving prefs for  
>> Administrator [on line 224 of "/horde/lib/Horde/Prefs/sql.php"]
> The column name is called user_uid, not [user_uid]. The same goes for  
> the table name.
> Jan.

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