[horde] Groupware Webmail Edition - setup.php not readable

James W. Beauchamp jbeauchamp at gesinc.com
Sun Dec 24 08:44:47 PST 2006

Will do Lars. 
Regarding the command line - I mean I'm trying to run scripts/setup.php 
and it says to run that from the command line like so:  php 
scripts/setup.php --- am I misunderstanding this somehow???  If you try 
to access this script from a browser it gives you a message to run that 
script from the command line.  Hence that's what I'm trying to do.

Merry Christmas and thanks for all your help!!


Lars Stavholm wrote:
> James W. Beauchamp wrote:
>> Lars:
>> That rendered perfectly both from the server (via localhost) and from
>> another box (windows) on my local network.  No errors at all.  But still
> So, that means that your apache + php setup seems OK then, good.
>> not right from the command line...
> Not sure I follow, what do you mean by "from the command line"?
>> Any other ideas??
> Well, it's sort of drying up right now.
> Let's take a break for Christmas Eve and try again tomorrow.
> Merry Christmas
> /Lars

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