[horde] Groupware Webmail Edition - setup.php not readable

Lars Stavholm stava at telcotec.se
Sun Dec 24 09:11:15 PST 2006

James W. Beauchamp wrote:
> Will do Lars. Regarding the command line - I mean I'm trying to run
> scripts/setup.php and it says to run that from the command line like
> so:  php scripts/setup.php --- am I misunderstanding this somehow???  If
> you try to access this script from a browser it gives you a message to
> run that script from the command line.  Hence that's what I'm trying to do.

OK, I see, just a last thing then I'll have to get goin':

I just tried it on my SuSE Linux 10.1:

# pwd
# scripts/setup.php
Configuration Menu
    (0) Exit
    (1) Configure database settings
    (2) Create database or tables
    (3) Configure administrator settings

Type your choice:

So, what's the output when you do it?

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