[horde] php and postgres, Re: Horde 3.1, memcache sessionhandler, sidebar, and flock()

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Jan 3 15:34:12 PST 2007

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:

> Also - seeing as this seems to be an issue with subsequent accesses
> (i.e. the first exists() access, according to Chris' analysis, runs
> extremely fast - it is multiple calls to exists() that really
> destroys performance), maybe this is an issue with data
> structures/memory usage in PHP?  i.e. some of the issues we have
> fixed in IMP lately dealing with looping code and memory allocation
> such as removal of newlines in large messages, quoted-printable
> encoding with large messages, and doing PHP splitting of large MIME
> messages.  Possibly the same issue?

Yeah; I'm pretty sure it's something to do with inefficient use of  
both the db and memory in the DataTree code. It's just going to be a  
royal pain to track down. :(


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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