[horde] runaway httpd processes?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Jan 29 14:57:15 PST 2007

Quoting James MacLean <macleajb at ednet.ns.ca>:

> As of this afternoon, when we do a :
> cvs -d:pserver:cvsread at anoncvs.horde.org:/repository co -r HEAD framework or
> cvs -d:pserver:cvsread at anoncvs.horde.org:/repository co framework
> DataTree/DataTree/sql.php shows :
> * $Horde: framework/DataTree/DataTree/sql.php,v 1.223 2007/01/02  
> 12:47:03 jan Exp $

Looks like the cronjobs to update the anoncvs machine had gotten  
shifted to a user that wasn't running them, or something. Not entirely  
clear why it used to work, if it was broken, but it's fixed now.


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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