[horde] passwd error when changing password.

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Mar 7 23:08:32 UTC 2007

Zitat von jochem at mondrian-it.nl:

> Hi all,
> In the latest HEAD release of Horde, I encountered an error while using
> passwd. My passwd is configured to talk to a local smbldap source.
> It was incapable of changing the password, saying that the entered old
> password, and the password on the server don't match, even though they do.
> After some digging in the code, it seems that the error originates in
> passwd/lib/Driver/smbldap.php between line 144 and 152:
> if (!is_null($this->_params['admindn'])) {
>  print_r(array('<pre>', $this, '</pre>'));
>  $ldappasswd = ldap_get_values($this->_ds, $entry,
> $this->_params['attribute']);
>  $result = $this->comparePasswords($ldappasswd[0], $passw);
>  if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
>   return $result;
>  }
> }
> Even though _params['admindn'] isn't defined in passwd/conf/backends.php,
> the is_null function apparently returns false, hence running the wrong block
> of code. The problem was solved by adding the following line to the _params
> block in backends.php:
> 'admindn' => NULL,

Doesn't make sense, but try what I committed.


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