[horde] Old Dates in Kronolith

Paul Faure faurep at agr.gc.ca
Fri Mar 16 14:54:32 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 08:18 -0500, Chris St. Pierre wrote: 
> On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, Paul Faure wrote:
> > Is there any chance of going back further in Kronolith ? It would seem
> > to me that going back till 1900 at least would be important for peoples
> > birth days.
> As the first responder pointed out, this isn't a limitation of
> Kronolith, but of your underlying OS.  If you're running on Linux, you
> could try submitting a patch to let it understand dates before 1970.
> I don't see it being accepted, though.

True, but a work around could be done in Kronolith. I could also put the
entries in 1970 and put a comment stating the real date.

You guys are doing a fantastic job, im really impressed with the whole
system. Thanks.

Paul Faure, B. Eng
WebServices, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
faurep at agr.gc.ca

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