[horde] About default charset

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Apr 10 14:46:14 UTC 2007

Zitat von eugenio vota <eugenio.vota at arpnet.it>:

> Anybody can explain to me how Horde switch over between the  
> different charset available for the same language?
> I installed exactly the same Horde 4.1.3 Imp 3.1.3 instance over 4  
> different server with UTF8 as default charset an
> it_IT preferred language. Now when I login to the different server  
> from the same PC with the same bowser,
> for two server I get the page UTF8 encoding, whereas the two others  
> server respond with ISO-8859-1 charset.
> The four servers have a slightly different version of Red Hat Linux,  
> but each have "locale" support for it_IT and it_IT.utf8
> As very noising side effect, now sending to me a message with UTF8  
> charset with one of the two server that got fallback
> to ISO-8859-1, I receive the warning box that the message is writed  
> with a different charset.

I don't follow exactly what you are trying to say, but it sounds like  
some of your servers don't really support utf8 charsets, or use  
different names for it. How exactly do your locale listings look like,  
and is there any (subtle) difference between the servers?


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