[horde] WG: Horde on FreeBSD

Andrew Richey richey at mail.coe.fsu.edu
Wed May 9 13:47:29 UTC 2007

         Hey Jan,

         Yes, I have it running on FreeBSD 6.2.  Seems to work pretty 
well.  Grab the latest tar file from their website, follow the 
instructions and such, and it should work for you.  Just make sure 
you have all the prereqs as stated in the directions.

         For starters, you only need to untar it into a directory 
accessible by apache (or whatever you're using).  For me it was 

At 09:41 AM 5/9/2007, Jan Schneider wrote:

>----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von jacques.lareau at adfdiesel.com -----
>      Datum: Wed, 9 May 2007 09:28:59 -0400
>        Von: Jacques Lareau <jacques.lareau at adfdiesel.com>
>Antwort an: jacques.lareau at adfdiesel.com
>    Betreff: Horde on FreeBSD
>         An: jan at horde.org
>I would like to know if Horde Groupware Webmail Edition can be 
>installed on FreeBSD. It's not in the ports system and the tar.gz 
>doesn't install. I have search around for website about horde en 
>FreeBSD, but to no avail.
>Thank you.
>Jacques Lareau
>ADF Diesel Inc.
>1-800-517-1489 Ext.: 206
>----- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht -----
>   Jan.
>Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?
>[1] http://www.adfdiesel.com
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>I would like to know if Horde Groupware Webmail Edition can be installed on
>FreeBSD. It's not in the ports system and the tar.gz doesn't install. I have
>search around for website about horde en FreeBSD, but to no avail.
>Thank you.
>Jacques Lareau
>ADF Diesel Inc.
>1-800-517-1489 Ext.: 206
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Andrew Richey
COE - Support Services 

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