[horde] Sent items, in IMP.

Nathan Lager nathan at accufind.com
Tue Jul 3 15:06:25 UTC 2007

- Can you see the existing sent-mail folder from Imp forms?
   And if so, is it spelled the exactly same way as the
   folder you want to use? Check also the casing, and the character
   used as hyphen. The best way to get this right is to select the
   folder from the choice box in the "Sent mail folder" option in the
   Options/"Personal Information" menu.

This ended up pointing me in the right direction.  I hadn't seen that
option in Personal Information (never would have looked for it there, to
be honest). I set it, manually, to "sent-mail", a folder which already
existed, and it solved the problem. 


Network Administrator
Accu-Find Internet Services

-----Original Message-----
From: Otto Stolz [mailto:Otto.Stolz at uni-konstanz.de] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 4:42 AM
To: Nathan Lager
Cc: horde at lists.horde.org
Subject: Re: [horde] Sent items, in IMP.

Hello Nathan Lager,

you wrote:
> The folder
> exists as "sent-mail", as a sub folder to the inbox. 
> When I try to send mail, [...] I get an error stating:
> "The folder "sent-mail" was not created" from horde. 

Some places to look for errors (certainly not comprehensive):

- Have you configured Imp to access the mailboxes via POP?
   POP does not know of folders, rather use IMAP.

- Can you see the existing mail folders from Imp forms?
   Try both the selection box in the message overview (cf.
   and the Folders menu. If not, your Imp configuration does
   not match your mailbox server's capabilities.

- Can you see the existing sent-mail folder from Imp forms?
   And if so, is it spelled the exactly same way as the
   folder you want to use? Check also the casing, and the character
   used as hyphen. The best way to get this right is to select the
   folder from the choice box in the "Sent mail folder" option in the
   Options/"Personal Information" menu.

- Can Imp create mail folders, at all? If not, your Imp configuration
   does not match your mailbox server's capabilities, or perhaps your
   server does not allow creation of folders, at all.

Good luck,
   Otto Stolz

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