[horde] Hermes Question

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jul 25 16:36:20 UTC 2007

Zitat von "John H. Bennett III" <bennettj at thebennetthome.com>:

> Hello,
> Didn't see a Hermes list, which is why I posted here.  I have someone
> that is interested in using Hermes.  I have downloaded it via CVS and
> have it installed and somewhat working.
> My question is on the address book Hermes needs to use for its client
> list.  I am using this link as a reference,
> http://wiki.horde.org/HermesAddressBook, which was written by Michael
> Rubinsky.  I have created the second table and it works fine for each
> user.  But, each user must add their own clients individually, no
> sharing.  In the link, under step 2, the directions state to
> Permission your users to see/use this new database.  Is this what is
> supposed to enable all users to use the same DB for clients, I don't
> really think so, or is the only way to have a shared address book is
> by using the Alternate suggestion?

You can either create a shared address book that all users have access  
to, or create a global address book for the clients, i.e. a not shared  
address book with permissions set though Horde's permission interface.


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