[horde] Horde imp Webmail user Login Fails with Error [login failed]

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Thu Jul 26 06:10:53 UTC 2007


> Pat Taylor <gowireless <at> giganetwireless.com> writes:

> My Own followup:

> In looking over the 'psa-horde.log' I found that 
> all login failures listed the same reason.
> Jul 25 11:28:29 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN 
> to localhost:143[imap/notls] as 
> president at giganetwireless.com [on line 258 of
> "/usr/share/psa-horde/imp/lib/Auth/imp.php"]

> I utilize VSAT for Internet connectivity. 
> so the IP is the
> satellite IP and my terminal IP is
> This hasn't caused any
> problems anywhere else.

> SO I snagged 'imp.php' from the server. Line 258 
> is at the end of this 'else' test.
> That else test is referring to FAILED LOGIN

> I hope this followup may help somehow??

Try disabling IP address check in Horde config.

Best regards,

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