[horde] Shake in a address book?

Jeronimo Bezerra jab at ufba.br
Thu Aug 23 21:30:07 UTC 2007

Hello all,

I have a trouble here in my Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 1.0. I don't use 
the address book yet, but some users come to me saying that they can see a 
address book from another user, always from same user: iraide. So, I visit 
my address book and I saw, after click in Organizing -> Address Book, in 
>From two options:

- My Address Book
- Iraide's Address Book (in Portuguese: Catalogo de Endereços de iraide.)

After click on Search apper all 23 users from iraide's address book.

I'm the admin from Horde, and here, there are 4000 users, and almost 20 % 
using the horde.

So, what I can to to change that? Is that a bug? Is a trouble in MySQL? How 
to solve it?

Thank you.

Jerônimo Bezerra 

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