[horde] Gollem Question

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun Aug 26 22:20:59 UTC 2007

Zitat von Brian Martinez <martinez_brain at hotmail.com>:

> All,Trying to figure out the interaction between the Linux  
> filesystem and the Gollem.   When gollem creates a folder or file in  
> a directory structure with sticky bits set the permissions/ownership  
> of the folder/file do not follow the directory structure.  Using a  
> normal ftp client if I create a folder/file under a directory  
> structure with sticky bits set the permissions/ownership of the  
> folder/file follow the parent folder's permissions/ownership.Is it  
> an issue with the filesystem, apache, php, horde... I'm obviously  
> missing the "chain of thought" as to how permissions are being  
> applied.   I have enclosed my gollem config for  
> review.$backends['hordeftp'] = array(    'name' => 'FTP Server',     
> 'driver' => 'ftp',    'preferred' => '',    'hordeauth' => true,     
> 'params' => array(    'hostspec' => 'lisa.sm3stb.ray.com',    'port'  
> => 21,    'pasv' => false,    'maplocalids' => true,    ),     
> 'loginparams' => array(    // Allow the user to change the FTP  
> server.    // 'hostspec' =
>  > 'Hostname',    // Allow the user to change the FTP port.    //  
> 'port' => 'Port'    ),    'root' => '',    'home' => '',     
> 'createhome' => false,    'quota' => false,    'clipboard' => true,   
>   'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'edit', 'download',  
> 'modified', 'size', 'permission', 'owner', 'group'));

Permissions don't work this way with the file backend because all  
files will be created by the user running the web server. If you need  
per-user permissions, you need to use the FTP backend.


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