[horde] Horde

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Sep 6 20:26:19 UTC 2007

Quoting Janaina Laguardia Areal <laguardia at unb.br>:

> “You need the domxml PHP extension to use the configuration tool”
> It seems the PHP-5.1.4 uses PHP-XML-5.1.4 and not PHP-DOMXML-4.3.9 which use
> PHP-4.3.9.
> I have this implementation:
> Horde-3.0.2 + Red Hat Enterprise 4

That is a very old version. With PHP 5 we do use the DOM extension  
(_not_ XML - that's different) instead of DOMXML. You either don't  
have PHP 5 DOM, or your Horde version is so old that we hadn't yet  
adjusted the test script to check for DOM under PHP 5.


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