[horde] Slow progress...

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Tue Sep 11 06:27:37 UTC 2007

Quoting "Ashley M. Kirchner" <ashley at pcraft.com>:

> Dave Cunningham wrote:
>> I actually saw the configuration of "subscriptions" as a bottleneck  
>> and just set it to not allow subscribing.
>> Horde/PHP imap seems to work very well with  my courier IMAP  
>> installation.  It only requests what it needs to know.  I have  
>> 500MB of email distributed fairly evenly across about a dozen mail  
>> folders and it gives a quick folder list and first 50 emails in the  
>> blink of an eye.  Now, I used to run Edgedesk.  That implementation  
>> of IMAP was poor and, just like you say, it requested a listing of  
>> EVERYTHING and would take up to 30-60 seconds to load my inbox for  
>> the first time.  No such problem with IMP.  In fact, I see my IMAP  
>> server load greatly reduced since switching to horde from Edgedesk  
>> (mintersoft).
>> Dave
>     Interesting.  I'll have to play with that a bit.  Because of the old
> wu-imap implementation, at the moment I can't do anything with it in
> terms of applying the patch for it to work properly (as this link states
> http://wiki.horde.org/ImpUWIMAPNamespaces )
>     However, I do have subscriptions enabled, and my various mail
> folders together are roughly 2 GiB total (I keep mailboxes "open" for
> all of 2007 and 2006) and when I log in, IMP comes up within a few
> seconds.  I don't have to wait 30-60 seconds for it.
>     Now, it's entirely possible that once I am able to address wu-imap,
> that IMP will end up being even faster, but for now it works great with
> subscriptions enabled.

Yup - the subscriptions verify it is *exactly* the problem identified  
in the wiki entry


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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