[horde] Recovering addressbooks

Edward Francis Klimowicz edwardk at voicenet.com
Wed Sep 26 19:56:59 UTC 2007

Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
>     We've had a server meltdown some weeks ago and I have since then
> reinstalled Horde and family on a new machine.  However, what I don't
> have is everyone's addressbooks which were saved in turba with a MySQL
> backend.  I do however have mysqldumps of the entire horde database and
> I can see the turba tables with the information in them.  My question
> is, how can I extract this data and populate it into the new database on
> the new machine.

It depends on how you did the mysql dump.  Traditionally, if you ran something

$mysqldump horde > horde.mysql

you'd restore it by doing something like

$mysql horde < horde.mysql

That is, the mysqldump command just outputs a string of SQL statements that
will recreate the data when executed as an SQL script.

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