[horde] module conf.php's

Otto Stolz Otto.Stolz at uni-konstanz.de
Tue Nov 27 16:36:52 UTC 2007

trent at trentnet.net schrieb:
>>    rights      usr   grp  file
>>    -------------------------------------
>>    drwxr-xr-x  stolz rz   ./
>>    -rw-rw-r--  stolz www  conf.php
>>    -rw-rw-r--  stolz www  conf.php.bak
>> where «.» is imp/config/, and «www» is Apache's group id.
> I tried these and several other permission changes, as of now it's
> root:www and permissions set at 777.

Maybe, some restriction in the Apache, or PHP, configuration causes
your problem, such as open_basedir. Have you checked your
Apache, and PHP, error logs?

Good luck,
   Otto Stolz

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