[horde] User management with Horde

Jacques Beaudoin jacques-beaudoin at cspi.qc.ca
Fri Jan 18 15:50:57 UTC 2008


> How do others do user management when using Horde?

I use Horde with mysql base dbmail Imap,

I write scrips and use Webmin custom command to execute
the scripts.

Best regards

Jacques-Beaudoin at cspi.qc.ca

Agent d'administration
Les services des technologies
de l'information et des communications
Commission scolaire de la Pointe de l'Île

----- Message de lst_hoe01 at kwsoft.de ---------
     Date : Fri, 18 Jan 2008 15:51:24 +0100
      De : Listaccount <lst_hoe01 at kwsoft.de>
Répondre à : Listaccount <lst_hoe01 at kwsoft.de>
  Objet : [horde] User management with Horde
       À : horde at lists.horde.org

> Hello
> we like to do user management with Horde/IMP instead of using some
> other tool like web-cyradm or LAM (LDAP Account manager) additionally.
>  From what i can see there is only basic user management possible
> (create/delete IMAP account).
> What we need
> - Set additional attributs to every Account like quota, real name,
> address not visible and changeable by the user.
> - Set routing information for the MTA like e-mail aliases, and fixed
> forwarding (transport).
> - Reset password
> Are their any plans on this or is some documentation available how the
> current system should work and which modules are used.
> How do others do user management when using Horde?
> Thanxs for any help
> Andreas
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