[horde] ldap groups

Julien Gribonvald julien.gribonvald at recia.fr
Tue Jan 29 15:10:34 UTC 2008


Is there someone who can tell me if the filter make a search on sub-tree 
level or not ? And how to do it  ? Because my problem could be that, i 
haven't any groups on my first level on my group's branch i need to 
search on all sub level...


Julien G.

Gerard Breiner a écrit :
> Julien Gribonvald a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> Firstly sorry for my bad english, i hope you will understand all i 
>> will try to ask and explain ;)
>> So I'm new with Horde and I would like to have some examples or 
>> explanations on about to do with Horde groups.
>> My objectiv would be to use LDAP groups in an existing LDAP schema, 
>> but without to add or manage groups in Horde panel administration, 
>> also i don't want to use the Horde LDAP schema.
>> For more explanations I'm working with horde 3.1.6 with CAS from 
>> ESUP, and i'm trying to integrate it on a portail (nearly all done). 
>> But i have the groups problem remaining.
>> All group existing are saved in the LDAP connected with the portal, 
>> so i would like to use these groups in Horde, it's more like an 
>> import at each connection of a user.
>> On an other hand I succeded to create contact books depending on 
>> groups, but this is different for the group administration, I would 
>> like only to have my groups tree (from LDAP) seen on Horde and to use 
>> it, with e-mail allias for groups as exemple. Even more for futur 
>> like using groups for rights. I seen there are groups right 
>> limititation on the hooks configuration, but this is only for the 
>> imap authentication and to limit access.
>> Also i would like to know if this configurtion or an other could 
>> works to share calendar with a group...
>> Thanks in advance for any response and support.
>> Julien G.
> Do you have  in your  /horde/config/config.php something like this  ?
> $conf['group']['params']['hostspec'] = 'ldap.recia.fr';
> $conf['group']['params']['basedn'] = 'ou=groupes,dc=recia,dc=fr';
> $conf['group']['params']['binddn'] = 
> 'uid=ldapadm,ou=personnes,dc=recia,dc=fr';
> $conf['group']['params']['password'] = 'password_for_ldapadm';
> $conf['group']['params']['version'] = '3';
> $conf['group']['params']['gid'] = 'cn';
> $conf['group']['params']['memberuid'] = 'memberUid';
> $conf['group']['params']['attrisdn'] = false;
> $conf['group']['params']['newgroup_objectclass'] = array('posixGroup');
> $conf['group']['params']['objectclass'] = array('posixGroup');
> $conf['group']['params']['filter_type'] = 'objectclass';
> $conf['group']['driver'] = 'ldap';
> $conf['group']['cache'] = false;
> Gerard

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