[horde] Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 1.1-RC2 - old Turba 2.1 mysql Schemata instead of 2.2?

Marcus hordelist at quantentunnel.de
Tue Feb 12 11:11:54 UTC 2008


i was comparing the MySQL structure between the RC1 and RC2. I just ran 
scripts\sql\groupware.mysql.sql in an empty database to get a clean new 
So far, only found some minor changes about default values and a couple 
of smallint/longtext changes.

But when looking at turba_objects the new created table was missing a 
lot of rows, still having the old row object_name. Taking a further look 
in turba/scripts/sql/turba.mysql.sql includes the Turba 2.1 Schemata 
instead of the new 2.2 Schemata.

For upgrading there is 

For a new installation with no entries, running an upgrade script 
shouldn't be required. Since the *.sql files are also provided for ppl. 
with trouble running the php setup, the files in the sql folder should 
reflect the newest schemata.

I guess someone just missed to update groupware.mysql.sql / 
turba.mysql.sql for new installations or are there other reasons?

There is also a very small issue with the version number of Mimp.
test.php shows Mimp: H3 (1.1-RC1)  while all other application having 
-RC2. I upgraded by applying the patch file. Since further version will 
have a different version number anyways i just want to note this in case 
of confusion in future discussions.


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