[horde] horde Digest, Vol 1989, Issue 1 - Graphical Emoticons

Otto Stolz Otto.Stolz at uni-konstanz.de
Thu Feb 14 14:17:31 UTC 2008

Hello Daniela Fröhlich,

I had written:
> Webmail can display
> a limited collection of emoticons, such as “:-)”, via
> little graphics; Webmail does nothing, in this respect,
> for outgoing mail, the emoticons are sent as you have
> typed them. 

You have wriiten:
> I can see the graphical emoticons on all my sent email
> but the ones who receive my mail can not see them but only e.g. ':-)'
> Is that the only way that works?

This is what I had tried to convey.

Graphical emoticons are a mere displaying-gimmick;
hence every addressee has to configure his/her
e-mail client to display them, or not so, as desired.

Best wishes,
   Otto Stolz

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