[horde] Horde login page just reloads when I try to login as a user or admin

Steve Devine sd at msu.edu
Fri Feb 29 16:23:54 UTC 2008

Mariano Absatz wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 1:01 PM, Lead Tech <socalchronic at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ive checked everywhere, FAQ, etc, i followed all the instructions to install
>>  this right,
>>  my problem is when I try to login as a normal user or administrator the page
>>  simply reloads and does nothing
> Silly question, but... do you have cookies enabled in your browser?
I went through this recently and the only way I could make it work was
if the apache config was set so that document root was /path-to/www/horde
I was trying to set it so could have ran it at https://example.com/horde
but it would fail just as you describe. So i set it up so that it ran as
This happened regardless of what I did in the horde/config/conf.php file
for $conf['cookie']['path']
I never pursued it to the solution because we will run it as document
root .... but I do believe its something more than whats in the faqs.


Steve Devine
Email & Storage
Academic Computing & Network Services
Michigan State University

313 Computer Center
East Lansing, MI 48824-1042

Baseball is ninety percent mental; the other half is physical.
- Yogi Berra 

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