[horde] ingo.psql.sql

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Mar 11 23:20:30 UTC 2008

Zitat von Johan Huldtgren <johan+horde at obitus.org>:

>> Patch?
> Do you want a patch to the documentation? From reading
> horde/scripts/sql/create.pgsql.sql I don't see you
> ever doing an alter on the DB to allow 'horde' user
> to create tables? To me it seems that the most "obvious"
> patch would be to create a <module>.pgsql.sql for each
> module where we add the permissions, this is already
> done for some modules for other reasons and adding
> the GRANT's to those or copying <module>.sql to
> <module>.pglsq.sql seems like an easy fix? Please let me
> know if I'm overthinking or just not thinking this
> through correctly. I'd be more than happy to supply
> <module>.pgsql.sql for all modules I currently use.

No, it doesn't make sense to have separate sql scripts for postgresql,  
only for the grant statements. Also I'm still not convinced that there  
are any issues with the scripts, because we didn't have a single  
complaint from a pg user in the last few year about those scripts that  
I can remember. But I'm not a pg user myself so I can't verify that.
It should be sufficient to use a db user with the correct permissions  
when running the scripts. Since you said this wasn't mentioned  
anywhere, I'm asking  you for a patch to improve this.


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