[horde] spammers targeting horde/imp as spamming tool

robert sand rsand at d.umn.edu
Wed Apr 30 15:39:41 UTC 2008

Yes this is daily here.  We get both brute force attacks on weak passwords and phishing events.  I've written a script 
to find keywords in the identities field in horde_prefs to find most but others are found by denying sending of email 
where the envelope and from headers are set to another domain.

Eric Jon Rostetter wrote:
> Quoting Andrew Morgan <morgan at orst.edu>:
>> Spammers are using brute force or phished login information to gain
>> access to imp, and then sent out spam
> This is happening with IMP, as well as several other webmail applications.
> I want to stress it isn't specific to IMP, and has been seen with other
> apps like SquirrelMail and such.
>> Any other comments or thoughts on this trend?
> It is an increasing trend, hitting EDU sites fairly heavily right now.

Robert Sand.
mailto:rsand at d.umn.edu
1028 Kirby Drive
366 K Plz
Duluth, MN 55812-3095
218-726-6122        fax 218-726-7674

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