[horde] I can't install SyncML and XML_WBXML

Alexa Rodríguez avrodriguez at jusbaires.gov.ar
Wed May 21 21:33:15 UTC 2008

Chuck, Thanks for you help. I could install the package SyncML.

But now, I have other question: The package String does no exist?

Look, I am trying setup a simple SyncML server for connect clients 
Funambol and I see that the packages XML_WBXML, iCalendar and NLS are 
very old...of year 1996.

Why are very old  the versions?

Chuck Hagenbuch escribió:
> Quoting Alexa Rodr�guez <avrodriguez at jusbaires.gov.ar>:
>> 3. pear install horde/SyncML-0.0.4
> 0.0.4 was very, very old. I just uploaded the current 0.7 release to  
> pear.horde.org - see if that helps.
> -chuck

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