[horde] Horde technical prerequisites

MailingListe lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de
Wed Jun 18 20:04:39 UTC 2008

Zitat von Arminas <g.arminas at gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I was looking on all lost of docs and googling, but I wasnt able to
> find any information about technical prerequisites. So what's about
> it? And what stats are needed to detect needed resources? F.e. I would
> like to ask how much RAM and swap and processors is needed for about
> 50 000 users. Is this number enough for detecting?
> Would be great if anyone could give me a link or just post a message,
> Thanks,

It all depends...
How many messages the average user has
How many of them are logged in concurrently
What IMAP server you use
What storage backend (LDAP/SQL whatever)
How many additional features like Ingo/Turba etc.

Have a look at horde/docs/PERFORMANCE as a starting point.



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