[horde] problem with HTML driver settings

Gabriele Schaarschmidt schaarschmidt at zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
Thu Jun 19 13:39:49 UTC 2008


we are using horde 3.2 and have a problem with (unchanged)
HTML driver settings in imp/config/mime_drivers.php:
$mime_drivers['imp']['html'] = array(
     'inline' => false,
     'handles' => array(
         'text/html'    ),
     'icons' => array(
         'default' => 'html.png'    ),
     /* If you don't want to display the link to open the HTML content in a
      * separate window, set the following to false. */
     'external' => true,
     /* Run 'tidy' on all HTML output? This requires at least version  
2.0 of the
      * PECL 'tidy' extension to be installed on your system. */
     'tidy' => false,
     /* Check for phishing exploits? */
     'phishing_check' => true
Some html-messages show the link to open the HTML content in a
separate window and some don't.
Latter can only be downloaded with the downloadsymbol.

In our last version horde 3.1.4 ALL this mails displayed a link
to open an extra window to show the message.

Any suggestions?

Gabriele Schaarschmidt

Gabriele Schaarschmidt           schaarschmidt at zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
Postmasterin                     Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung
Universität Tübingen             http://www.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
Wächterstr.76, 72074 Tübingen    Tel. 07071-2970325 Fax 07071-295131

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