[horde] Horde cyrsql driver

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Thu Jun 26 07:01:44 UTC 2008


You config looks fine except couple parameters:

> $conf['auth']['params']['encryption'] = 'md5-hex';

As far as I remember web-cyradm uses crypt or crypt-des encryption methods.
But if you CAN login into Horde but CAN'T in IMP this should not be the

> horde/imp/config/servers.php
> $servers['cyrus'] = array(
>     'name' => 'mail.mydomain',
>     'server' => 'frontend1.mydomain',
>     'hordeauth' => true,

Try 'hordeauth' => 'full' to pass username and domain name to IMP from

>     'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
>     'port' => 143,
>     'maildomain' => 'mydomain',
>     'smtphost' => 'frontend1.mydomain',
>     'smtpport' => 25,
>     'realm' => '',
>     'preferred' => '',
>     'admin' => array(
>         'params' => array(
>             'login' => 'cyrus',
>             'password' => '<PASSWORD>',
>             'userhierarchy' => 'user/',

Do you really are using such user hierarchy? In common cases it is 'user.'

>             'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
>             'hostspec' => 'localhost',
>             'port' => 143
>         )
>     ),
>     'quota' => array(
>         'driver' => 'imap',
>         'params' => array(),
>     ),
>     'acl' => array(
>         'driver' => 'rfc2086',
>     )


> 1. Then I create new user and try to login as user at domain I can login
> to
> horde and get error "mailbox does not exist"
> HORDE [error] [imp] Unable to retrieve quota [pid 21240 on line 998 of
> "/usr/local/horde/imp/lib/IMP.php"]

See above.

> As I can see it is because Horde creates cyrus mailbox as user at domain
> but insert into MySQL username without domain.

You should be fine here. Horde uses domain_name field to determine the
domain to where user belongs to.

> 2. After switch to $conf['auth']['driver'] = 'cyrsql'; I can't change
> IMP mode on login screen. Is it possible?

You mean mode switching from IMP to DIMP or MIMP? No, not currently.

  Best Regards,

  Vilius Šumskas
  LNK TV IT manager
  mob.: +370 614 75713

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