[horde] Horde cyrsql driver

Aleksey Chudov aleksey at bb.lv
Thu Jun 26 09:36:56 UTC 2008

Vilius Šumskas wrote:
> That's probably your problem. pam_mysql doesn't look at domain_name 
> field at all. I solved this problem myself by throwing pam_mysql and 
> saslauthd away and using SASL auxprop-sql module instead.
> Strange, when I were using Web-Cyradm it used exactly this structure 
> to determine full username. I added it to Horde Cyrsql driver myself 
> because of this.
Oh, now I understand why my configuration not works!
Probably you used old version of Web-Cyradm. Version 0.5.4 does not have 
virtdomains support.
There is new configuration parameter in Web-Cyradm version 0.5.5

# If you are using cyrus imap 2.2.x and wish to use usernames like
# email addresses you can set option DOMAIN_AS_PREFIX to '1' and
# FQUN to '1'. NOTE: you also have to add this lines to your
# imapd.conf file:
#### imapd.conf: ####
# unixhierarchysep: yes
# virtdomains: yes
$FQUN = 1;

If I create new user in Web-Cyradm with $FQUN = 1; I have the following 
records in my MySQL Database:

TABLE accountuser:
username         password    domain_name
user at domain   <PASS>      mydomain

TABLE virtual:
alias                dest                  username
user at domain   user at domain    user at domain

As far as I understand I need to change my authentication scheme to SASL 
auxprop-sql, change user names for all my users and disable Web-Cyradm 
virtdomains support OR I need to patch cyrsql driver to create users 
with @domain part.

I implemented small patch for cyrsql.php. I'm not php programmer and I 
understand that my solution is not good for those who use "original" 
authentication scheme. So this patch is just for example or for those 
who use saslauthd authentication.
May be you can implement support for both authentication schemes and add 
configuration parameter to change between them?

Regards, Aleksey

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