[horde] Email address with backslahes when clicking from turba

Luis Felipe Marzagao/Andamentos lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com
Sun Jul 6 16:37:29 UTC 2008

IMP: 4.2.1-cvs
TURBA: 2.2.1

If I browse my contacts and then click on any email address, the "new 
message" window appears and the clicked email address automatically 
shows up in the "to:" field, but it gets like this:

\"John Doe\" <johndoe at example.com>

And, after being sent, it stays like this in the sent folder:

\\\"John Doe\\\ <johndoe at example.com>

The email arrives just fine (altought in the recepient's inbox it shows: 
To: "\\\"John Does\\\"" <johndoe at example.com>

Is it meant to be this way? End-users don't know what a backslash does 
and get confused with all that.

Thanks in advance.
Luis Felipe (duli)

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