[horde] FreeOpenSourceSoftware.org

Wm. Stewart wstewart at eseri.net
Sun Jul 13 13:33:59 UTC 2008

Hi, I was lucky enough to get the FreeOpenSourceSoftware and 
FreeLibreOpenSourceSoftware domains some time ago, and have donated them to 
the FOSS community as a Wiki: http://freeopensourcesoftware.org/

The wiki is intended as a home for FOSS as separate from the recent trend 
towards Commercial Open Source Software (COSS) with some published code but 
closed elements for advanced functionality that potentially leads right 
back to proprietary lock-in, kind of the opposite of the original meaning 
of open source.

I've seeded the Wiki with basic starting information, including basic data 
on Horde.  Feel free to add.  Please add links to the site where possible, 
and please spread the word to let others know of the launch.



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