[horde] Segmentation fault using static modules

Sean Coleman coleman at boulder.nist.gov
Fri Aug 1 09:26:04 UTC 2008

Good Morning,

Due to US policy, I must run a FIPS 140 capable webserver. The only way 
to do
this at this time is to compile a static version of mod_ssl. I compiled 
statically compiling all default modules into the binary. I also 
commented out all the
load modules in the httpd.conf file. Finally, I dynamically load 
php-5.1.6 which
is a RPM for my RedHat 5 system.

I am able to get to the login page but I get the following error in the log
[Fri Aug 01 02:24:20 2008] [notice] child pid 19205 exit signal 
Segmentation fault (11)
[Fri Aug 01 02:24:39 2008] [notice] child pid 19208 exit signal 
Segmentation fault (11)
 and I get a download window instead of my mailbox. Does anyone have 
ideas?  I am thinking
about trying to build a httpd server containing a static php.

If I am missing info, please let me know.

Sean Coleman

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