[horde] Users

horde at corwyn.net horde at corwyn.net
Mon Sep 15 20:47:30 UTC 2008

At 04:36 PM 9/15/2008, Eric Jon Rostetter wrote:
>You're using IMAP authentication.

yes, I know.   $conf[auth][params][app]  : imp being set to IMP is a 
pretty big clue there that I caught.

>Probably best.  Unless your Horde install is on your IMAP server, this
>probably wouldn't work (as the passwd/shadow files on your Horde server
>wouldn't be the same as those on your IMAP server, if they are different

horde is on my imap server. I understand that  would be a problem 
were that not the case.

>Probably not [instructions] anything detailed.


>The problem seems to be you are using IMAP authentication.  You can't
>manage IMAP authentication via Horde (e.g., create/delete users, etc)
>since IMAP doesn't support that.  If you used a backend that supported
>management (e.g., ldap, sql, etc) then you could (in most cases) do so
>via Horde.

I know I'm using IMAP auth. And I know I can't manage imap auth via horde.

However, horde appears to have options to use the local auth 
(/etc/passwd  , /etc/shadow). I can't get them to work. I'd like 
assistance in getting them to work, precisely so I can manage users via horde.

One reason is that the documentation for managing users via mySQL is 
ALSO not very good/available. (a beginning to end instruction set). 
Another reason is just that it seems like it should be simple to set 
up this way.


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