[horde] How to find the author?

Luis Zarrabeitia kyrie at uh.cu
Wed Sep 17 20:03:28 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 26 August 2008 05:17:44 am Gilles Buisson wrote:
> To know the real mail sender identity (eg. toto at domain.com) edit the
> headers.php file located in ../horde/imp/config and add this line
> $_header['X-AuthUser'] = Auth::getAuth();
> It add a header like 'X-AuthUser: toto at domain.com' in the mail even if the
> user uses a different address sending.
> Regards

Thanks, Andreas and Guilles.

The headers.php solution was what I was looking for. (Forbidding the users to 
change their identities also works, but when I did it, well, the spammers 
just stopped faking the From:s). 

And, agreed, I should content-filter the outgoing emails...

(Sorry for the delay... we got hit by two hurricanes shortly after this, the 
last one took my university offline for the last two weeks).

Cheers, and thanks.

Luis Zarrabeitia (aka Kyrie)
Fac. de Matemática y Computación, UH.

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